Greetings in the Blessed name of our Lord Jesus Christ! For secure online giving via Donorbox, Cashapp or Givelify
click here to give via Donor Box :
All love gifts are tax deductible!
When you partner with us, not only will you make a difference for the Kingdom of God but the Lord credits it to your account as well, and we reap the harvest and blessing together! Your love offerings and gifts are tax deductible and no gift is too big or small!
Thanks in advance and God Bless!
Give securely at $FFCFJC
Give via your phone!!!
You can also give via phone by using the secure Givelify app via two options: Your phone or online! For phone giving, go to Google Play and download the app or download the app from IPhone App store!!!
After you download, search for Firm Foundation Christian Fellowship and give as unto the Lord! God Bless and thank you for your giving!
For online giving via Givelify now, click here:
Come by and visit, we would love to fellowship with you and to show you what the Lord is doing in this local Southshore Church!
If you desire to send in your donation, send to:
Firm Foundation Christian Fellowship
PO Box 1542
Riverview, FL. 33568